Help! My Dog Pees When Excited!

Thornhill Ontario dog with excitment pee.

We love our animals and all their quirks, but some quirks are harder to deal with than others. If your dog tends to pee when expressing excitement, the team at Summeridge Animal Clinic can help. Keep reading for some tips on dissuading this behaviour, so you can fully enjoy your dog’s excitement:


Spotlight on Summeridge Animal Clinic and Our Amazing Pet Families

Cordova_iStock_000011056861_DoubleTo all of our wonderful pet families, we hope you are having an incredible start to spring and have taken the opportunity to enjoy the warmer weather with your favourite fur friends. We also thought we would take a moment to talk a bit about our practice and some of the recent celebrations, affirmations, and good news that Summeridge Animal Clinic has experienced. After all, these victories for us translate to even better service for our pet guardians and care for our pet patients.