Pet-Safe Houseplants: Do They Really Exist?

tabby cat sitting next to a flower plant while looking out the window

Many pets carry on their daily lives without disrupting household plants, but that doesn’t mean that toxic plants have a place inside the home. Pets might completely ignore a poisonous plant for years, until a combination of boredom, curiosity, or hunger propels them to investigate. Indeed, all it takes is one spontaneous sample to upend an otherwise normal day. Luckily, there are many pet-safe house plants to choose from.


Decked Out: Choosing Your Pet Accessories

A pair of dogs out for a walk

At Summeridge Animal Clinic, we love seeing pets decked out in all the things. From cute bows to harnesses with bling, stylish animals make us smile. It’s amazing how some of this canine and kitty couture can capture the personality of the pets they adorn.

When it comes to choosing pet accessories, though, some things go beyond good taste. Good fit, safety, and appropriateness for the individual dog or cat are all important. Pet accessories should be fun and effective at the same time.


Pet Friendly Gardening This Spring

A slender white dog in the outdoors

Spring has officially sprung, and if you are like us at Summeridge Animal Clinic we are sure that you are itching to get outside and do a little gardening. And like us, you probably have a furry friend or two that might be joining you.

Having a green thumb doesn’t mean that you need to trade in your pet’s safety, however. We have plenty of tips on pet friendly gardening so that everyone gets to enjoy the sunshine.

Pick Your Plants

When deciding what to plant in your garden, taking your pets into account is important. It is only natural for them to be curious about what you are growing, so be sure to consider that they may take a nibble at some point. 
