Help! My Dog Pees When Excited!

Thornhill Ontario dog with excitment pee.

We love our animals and all their quirks, but some quirks are harder to deal with than others. If your dog tends to pee when expressing excitement, the team at Summeridge Animal Clinic can help. Keep reading for some tips on dissuading this behaviour, so you can fully enjoy your dog’s excitement:


5 Quick Tips For When You Have to Leave Your Dog Alone

A black pug with a sweater on its head

A question we get a lot from dog owners is whether it’s okay for their dogs to be left at home during the day. It’s easy to feel a bit guilty when we are about to depart and our furry ones look so sad. But there is a benefit in leaving your pet alone from time to time. It can boost confidence and give your pet a sense of security in the home, as well as avoid separation anxiety down the road. 

There is also the risk of too much time spent alone, which can lead to behavioral problems. The team at Summeridge Animal Clinic is here to discuss how to leave your pet alone, so that they remain happy and engaged, without feeling the anxiety of separation.


Why Is My Dog Suddenly Peeing in the House?

A dalmatian puppy

Every pet owner can relate to that moment of noticing an unexpected wet spot on the floor. While it’s definitely a common occurrence, it’s never fun. What’s worse, it can signify a serious health problem. How do you know what’s motivating a dog to suddenly pee in the house? The answer may surprise you.

A Larger Picture

When a perfectly housetrained dog suddenly starts urinating inside the house, it’s easy to allow confusion and frustration to rule. However, before you launch into questions regarding possible behavioural issues, specific health conditions should be considered and ruled out first, such as:
