Common Bulldog Health Issues

Owner hugging bulldog.

The smooshed faces and excessive skin rolls that make bulldogs so loveable also contribute to some of their most notable health issues. Whether you are already the proud owner of a bulldog or you are considering bringing one into your family, Summeridge Animal Clinic wants you to be aware of common bulldog health issues that you might experience at some point in your life together.


Pet Separation Anxiety As Lockdown Lifted

Thornhill dog with separation anxiety

We’ve had an awful lot of togetherness lately. People’s reactions to the lockdown provisions differ wildly, but we feel confident when we say that for most of the nation’s pets, all of the extra walks, snuggles, and playtime over the past several months have been delightful.

Pets thrive on a daily routine, and as these orders have lifted (and reinstated, and lifted again in some areas), it’s natural for them to be affected. At Summeridge Animal Clinic we are experts at helping our patients and their family deal with separation anxiety in pets, and we have some strategies and tips designed to ease this transition for your furry friend.


Psssst! Time to Address the Importance of Pet Wellness Care

A cat being given a vaccinationThe phrase “all systems go” originated in the 1960’s in preparation for space shuttle launches. Now, it’s commonly used to describe anything that’s simply ready to go. In reference to your pet, it can be said that regular wellness visits lead to a long, healthy life. When paired with proper nutrition, physical exercise, and disease prevention, pet wellness care is truly a “go,” and the team at Summeridge Animal Clinic is ready for launch! Continue…