Full-Service Veterinary

Care in Vaughan

Since October 2006, Summeridge Animal Clinic, your Thornhill vet, has been an oasis where you and your pet can enjoy your special bond. Veterinary medicine is continually evolving. Your pets deserve to be cared for in a comprehensive, compassionate, and effective manner. Located in Thornhill, Vaughan, Summeridge Animal Clinic is fully equipped to provide a variety of diagnostics, medical, surgical, and dental services for our patients.

Pets Image

Our Philosophy of Care

  • Provide a comfortable environment for you and your pets, through friendly staff members.

  • Have a courteous and knowledgeable staff who are eager to be of service.

  • Strive to continually enhance our service.

  • Constantly apply the latest in veterinary medical advancements to properly diagnose and treat your pets.

  • Promote client education regarding pet health and preventive medicine.

  • Maintain the highest ethical and medical standards.

  • Respect the trust and loyalty of our clients.

  • Communicate openly and honestly.

  • Commit to timely appointments.

  • Provide comprehensive service tailored to meet the needs of your pets.

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Veterinary Team

Dr. Hélène Bouchard

Dr. Hélène Bouchard



Registered Veterinary Technician


Client Care Specialist/Office Manager

Contact us today with questions about recommended foods or to schedule your next veterinary dental visit.

Pet Memorials


Ollie the Dog

July 06, 2018
Missed By: His Family

A gentle soul, a gentleman

Dear Ollie was with us for 12½ years and my constant companion through many life-altering changes. Though out he was sweet, loyal and an unimaginable comfort.

As an 8 weeks old puppy he had a lot to contend with: A new home in the city and a new family that included a big, bossy older sister. Ollie was adopted to keep Katie, our 5 year old Collie busy and he did that in spades. During their initial weeks together, Katie spent her time ignoring and avoiding Ollie while he persisted in following her around, barking at her and just generally annoying her as little brothers do. I, myself was not sold on smaller dogs and he must have sensed it because he spent a lot of energy successfully converting me rather than just hanging out with the family members who were smitten from the first moment.

After the first few months, Katie grew to love him but he was a handful for even her: While out with other dogs at the off leash park, Ollie would get them so worked up they would chase him until he got tired and rather than get caught, he would run and stand between Katie’s front paws and she would protect him until he was ready go and to do it all over again. When he wanted to play with her he would run up behind her, yank her tail and run as fast as he could knowing she would be hot on his heels. They wrestled, stole each other’s toys and generally made a lot of racket while having a fabulous time. They would also cuddle and sleep together.

While he was a funny puppy, he grew into a lovely dog. He was sweet and respectful to both people and other animals, never complaining when medical tests or needles were needed or when he met new dogs. Saying that he wasn’t a pushover: He would tolerate disrespectful animals for a time and then put them in their place if required.

The years passed our little family changed when my son left for University. During that time Katie was terminally ill. Ollie was with me when she passed and instinctively knew she wasn’t coming back. From that point on we were pretty much inseparable. He assumed some of her traits (image a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel herding stragglers) and began expressing his own “opinions” about things. I found out he didn’t like walks! For 7 years we had merrily gone on 2-3 good sized walks daily without any issues however he’d now stop and sit when he thought he had done “enough”. It took a lot of coaxing to get him moving again but he always did. He also coerced our neighbour to meet at the backyard fence to bring him treats when barked for her. Needless to say he’d “call her” whenever he could.

Around that time he began spending his weekdays with a dear family friend, Dex their Bouvier who was also Ollie’s best friend and up to 20 dogs both big and small. He loved the energy and activity of the house but was most happy when Karen would let him cuddle with her.

The biggest adventure he and I had was moving from Toronto to a village on Lake Huron that I describe as “refined rural” living. There were a couple of times he must have thought I had lost my mind moving us here but he made many new friends and began walking off leash which was a life changing event since he no longer sat and stopped during our walks but enjoyed the sense of freedom and trotted along behind me. The 2 things that kept him “in line” were treats and being (physically) close to me. He also loved chasing the many rabbits and squirrels around but luckily never caught anything.

During his regular annual checkup Dr. Bouchard identified a heart murmur. Six months later it got worse and required the expertise of a cardiologist. During the spring he seemed worse again and his medications were doubled. He was palliative. The hot, humid summer made it hard for him to get comfortable and he started becoming a finicky eater. On a rare cool, clear morning (knowing the heat and humidity were back the next day) I looked into his eyes and knew it was his time to go. He looked tired and the spark that defined Ollie was gone. Asking him to stay any longer would be selfish so we drove to Toronto and he was reunited with Katie.

We love and miss him so very much.


Noki the Dog

Missed By: Family

The Apple of Our Eyes

We were so fortunate to have our beloved Noki become part of our life shortly after his birth on Halloween, October 31st 1998.

From the very beginning, he was the love of our life as well as the most popular boy in our condo building as well as our neighborhood. Everyone adored Noki, he stole Everyone’s heart. Neighbors all stopped to pet him, to talk to him, to comment what a human face he had. It was common for neighbors to ask to have Noki put in their lap, to embrace him who was only too happy to comply in his gentle ways.

Even when we have sent him to ‘boot camp’ to help out with the training, he was adored by the staff.

We have so many loving memories that are hard for us to recall without tears creeping into our eyes, only because these are now only recollections instead of what we can experience with him in real life.

Everything from the time when he felt such a proud accomplishment when he could steal something every so gently carrying his newly found possession with such gentleness so we would laugh, to the shredding of tissues, to relocate his bed where he thoughts would be best, to hide with his best friend, Chiclet at day care, hoarding the best toys to themselves, to come to the door, pushing all other playmates aside when you Daddy went to pick you up from daycare, from feeling triumphant when he had opened the zipper of a ‘fanny pack’ containing those coveted goodies to quality control sample, with stealth like expertise. Who can forget the day when Noki got spooked in Lord Ross park and ran with lightning speed all the way to the parking lot of our home while we were franticly looking for him, calling his name, with cars circling in the neighborhood, only for Mommy to spot you slightly whimpering but oh so happy for the family to be reunited. Noki was very smart, even more resourceful when it came to food, oh he had loved his food, he was a professional cuddler, snuggler, specialized in giving loving licks to anyone who had touched him and those special kisses Mom and Dad got from him.

He had loved every single car ride, especially those to the ‘Farm’, first to get acquainted with the chickens, then get to know the scent of the rabbits under the porch, then a skillful, satisfying roll in the compost, leading to a bath.

The apple of our eye had bilateral microphthalmia, lost his eyesight (those beautiful brown eyes) and we had no doubt that he could see us just as clearly, maybe more so, than anyone with sight. Noki may not have seen our faces, but he could certainly read our hearts.

We were the recipient of his unconditional love every single minute, the exciting reuniting greetings at the door when we came back weather from a day’s work or just returning from taking out the trash. What fun was it to find Mom or Dad in the apartment, oh, that adorable wagging of the tail and we could see even the smile on his face when the kisses followed. Noki had enjoyed being with us the best, when the Family was together, being the most satisfied when he could put his head under Daddy’s or Mommy’s armpits.

Noki had his share of visits to vets and he was always such a trooper, so very brave, almost looking forward to the kisses he got on his head from Dr. Bouchard when being treated so lovingly with gentleness. We thank Dr. Bouchard for the years of tender and devoted caring for Noki, his overall health, the follow up calls to find out how Noki was doing after a procedure, especially on that last Sunday, February 2nd 2014 when felt so very lucky to bring him home from the hospital as he had showed signs of improvement. We were happy to bring him home and give him the tender care he needed.

How quickly those 15 years have gone by, how we miss you every single second, wishing you were here where we could just watch over you when you had so peacefully slept with a satisfying angle like expression on your face.

Noki, we will miss you forever and ever, Mommy and Daddy will be waiting, looking for you at the Rainbow Bridge for the moment when we call your name, you run into our loving arms and we can be together once again. Love always, Mom and Dad


Katie the Dog

Missed By: Her Family

My Sweet Angel

Now twilight lets her curtain down and pins it with a star. (L.M. Child)

January 31, 2001 – November 11, 2013

My star is Katie the sweet girl who joined our family in April 2001. She was an angelic pup who turned into a willful teenager and then blossomed into the best companion ever. She grew up with my son and taught him about unconditional love and devotion. They spent hours together playing road hockey and soccer over the years and she loved him more than anyone. Their bond was so precious I cannot put it into words.

Katie taught me that I needed to be strong so she could enjoy her role in “the pack” and that a cuddle with her was the best medicine after a long, hectic day. Katie would protect us with her life, no questions asked and demonstrated it anytime the smoke detector went off in the house or she sensed that someone was behind us during our evening walks.

When Katie was younger, she herded our three older cats. As each passed she mourned their loss for weeks on end. To provide her a new focus we got her a puppy that was sweet, playful and full of life. While initially unsure of her new role she quickly flourished as a big sister/mother. She taught Ollie to be a great companion too while he gave her youth and a new focus on life. With Katie’s passing he has assumed many of her character traits which provide me great comfort and the odd chuckle.

In the last year of her life she began to fail and did not have the zest for life she was known for. It was now time for us to give back to her. We all did our best to comfort and make her last months the best possible. Dr. Bouchard helped me make the right decisions for her care so she did not suffer unnecessarily.

I held her as she passed and miss her so much. I am so grateful she was such an important part of our lives and cherish all the memories I have of her. She will always be my sweet angel.

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