Summeridge Animal Clinic’s Top 5 Pet Blogs of 2020

A cat and dog by a plant

Well then, 2020 was certainly a wild ride, wasn’t it! Truly, the team at Summeridge Animal Clinic wants to extend a heartfelt thank-you to our clients for seeing the year-that-was, and all its challenges, through with us.

As many of you may know, the passing of yet another year brings with it our annual tradition of recapping our most-read blogs of the year! It’s always a joy to peek behind the curtain and discover which blogs have resonated with pet owners throughout our community.

And so, ladies and gentlemen, cats and dogs, we now present you with…


Pet Separation Anxiety As Lockdown Lifted

Thornhill dog with separation anxiety

We’ve had an awful lot of togetherness lately. People’s reactions to the lockdown provisions differ wildly, but we feel confident when we say that for most of the nation’s pets, all of the extra walks, snuggles, and playtime over the past several months have been delightful.

Pets thrive on a daily routine, and as these orders have lifted (and reinstated, and lifted again in some areas), it’s natural for them to be affected. At Summeridge Animal Clinic we are experts at helping our patients and their family deal with separation anxiety in pets, and we have some strategies and tips designed to ease this transition for your furry friend.


The Scoop on Fad Diets for Dogs

Thornhill dog on diet

Whole foods, organic meals, Keto, vegan, raw, the list goes on when it comes to the many diets that are trending. It’s hard to know which diet is the best for us with so many options. The same is true for pet owners now, when there are several fad diets that profess to be the best and most nutritious for our fur friends.

It can be overwhelming to discern the right diet best suited for your special pet, we understand. This is why the team at Summeridge Animal Clinic is here to separate fact from fiction when it comes to fad diets for dogs, so you can feel informed about your decisions.
