Psssst! Time to Address the Importance of Pet Wellness Care

A cat being given a vaccinationThe phrase “all systems go” originated in the 1960’s in preparation for space shuttle launches. Now, it’s commonly used to describe anything that’s simply ready to go. In reference to your pet, it can be said that regular wellness visits lead to a long, healthy life. When paired with proper nutrition, physical exercise, and disease prevention, pet wellness care is truly a “go,” and the team at Summeridge Animal Clinic is ready for launch! Continue…

Rabies Vaccination: Nothing to Ignore

A wild batIn modern society, more and more of us are questioning traditional care modalities, such as vaccinations. Are they really needed? Are the risks greater than the benefits? Is the disease in question even a real threat?

While we want all of our pet parents to be educated about the vaccines that we recommend for their pets, we also want them to understand that we do not take pet vaccination lightly. Immunizations, especially the rabies vaccination, are more important than ever for our household pets. Continue…

Pet Joint Care: It All Hinges on This

A dog out for a walkNo matter if you have two legs or four, your happiness and overall quality of life are directly dependent on your ability to move around freely and do the things that you love to do. Caring for your pet’s mobility is an important step in making sure that he or she is able to get up and chase a squirrel or two, even during his or her golden years. Keep reading to learn about pet joint care and how you can help your pet. Continue…