Dog Socialization: More Than Just a Day at the Park

Several pitbull puppiesOne of the most important aspects of raising a well-behaved, happy, and confident dog lies in effective dog socialization. It’s the key to how your pooch relates to other people and the world around him or her.

Dog socialization also ensures the safety of your dog and those he encounters. In fact, dogs who tend to have behavioural problems often have never been socialized or trained. Because socialization can be complex, we want to take a moment to answer common questions and address any confusion around this integral component of dog ownership. Continue…

Vomiting in Cats: It’s Not Just About Hairballs

Cat throwing up furball on sofaMost of us can’t help but laugh when it comes to cartoons and jokes about cats vomiting. While it’s true that our feline friends do seem a little more prone to puking than your average animal, it doesn’t make vomiting in cats a normal thing. If you have a nauseous kitty friend, read on to learn whether your cat’s habits are normal or something to have checked out. If you think your cat’s vomiting has been abnormal or excessive please request an appointment for your cat to see our veterinarian.

More Than Hairballs

Most cat vomit is chalked up to hairballs, and for good reason. It is not uncommon to find a small (or large) amount of hair when cleaning up after kitty. This may have more to do with what happens to be in the stomach, though, than the cause of the vomiting. Continue…

It’s Elementary, Dear Watson: The Importance of Training Your Pet

Cute Staffordshire Bull Terrier puppy training on a red leash.Understanding an untrained dog’s behaviour requires some extensive deductive reasoning. Although your dog might jump on visitors or mangle your bathmat, he or she truly does want to please you. That’s why training your pet is so important. This is the best way to achieve better behavior, strengthen the bond with your pet, and make your home a more enjoyable place to live. Continue…