Is Your Home Safe? Prevent Pet Poisoning With These Easy Steps

ToxicYou do your very best to ensure your pet’s safety. Whether you’re in a public place or traveling together, there are always methods to mitigate accidental illness or injury. With an outward scope, it’s easy to forget that some of the most dangerous threats to your pet’s health aren’t far from your own threshold. Almost all pet poisoning incidents occur at home, making awareness of common household toxins vital to your pet’s safety. Continue…

Why Scoop The Poop?

Owner Clearing Dog Mess With Pooper ScooperHave you ever been outside for a lovely walk only to have your happy thoughts vanish after stepping in squishy pile of poo?

Unfortunately some pet owners simply choose to ignore an inconvenient mess. But aside from the gross factor and associated aggravation, why is it recommended that pet owners scoop the poop? Welcome to the fascinating world of disease prevention and hygiene… Continue…

Indoor or Outdoor Cat? Increasing Your Cat’s Longevity

Bengal cat playingAn outdoor cat has a life expectancy of 2-5 years, a statistic that pales in comparison to the fact that indoor felines can live up to two decades. There are numerous explanations behind this disparity. Perhaps the most obvious one is that owners of indoor felines can more easily identify health problems before they become too severe. That’s why the simplest way to protect your cat is to limit (or eliminate) time spent outdoors. Continue…