Spotlight on Summeridge Animal Clinic and Our Amazing Pet Families

Cordova_iStock_000011056861_DoubleTo all of our wonderful pet families, we hope you are having an incredible start to spring and have taken the opportunity to enjoy the warmer weather with your favourite fur friends. We also thought we would take a moment to talk a bit about our practice and some of the recent celebrations, affirmations, and good news that Summeridge Animal Clinic has experienced. After all, these victories for us translate to even better service for our pet guardians and care for our pet patients.

Ode to Our Pets

MendietaIt is that time of year when many people get the urge to add a new member to their family by adopting either a cat or dog (puppy or kitten).  This is an admirable thought and one that should be encouraged for they provide so many benefits to our lives.  Pets extend their love and affection unconditionally and this relationship lasts for the entire course of their lives.  They are prepared to sacrifice everything for our goodwill and happiness.  They greet us in the morning, when we come in from work at night and will stay by our side from morning until night if allowed to do so.  They are eager to play with us, sit in our laps, or just hang out with us for long periods of time.  We benefit from these activities as well.  We get companionship, attention, loyalty and affection.  The relationship can even promote good health and general well-being to the human owners.  Continue…

RIP Cara

Cara 9Two months ago, Cara was delivered to the Summeridge Animal Clinic, your Thornhill Vet.  She had been found on the sidewalk on Thornhill Woods Road by a kindly Samaritan.  Efforts were made to contact her previous family proved futile.  The conclusion was that she had been abandoned despite the fact that she had a twinkle in her eye, walked like Charlie Chaplin’s tramp and loved to be shnuggled.  Cara wormed her way into everyone’s heart whoever she met.  Everyone at the Summeridge Animal Clinic, your Thornhill Vet, adored her and she became a permanent member of our “staff”.  Her position was simply clinic cat and her job description included just being cute and cuddly. 

Cara 6Unfortunately, Cara suffered from a number of ailments chief among them was advanced kidney disease, which left her tired, nauseous and sometimes grumpy.  A course of treatment at first seemed to be helping but her condition soon worsened to the point where she was unable to function properly.  She wouldn’t eat and spent most of her time in front of her water bowl or in her bed too weak to move.  She passed away a few days ago and we have all been devastated. 

Cara 4We at the Summeridge Animal Clinic, your Thornhill Vet, will always remember the little cream coloured darling who was so happy to see us that she started voicing her happiness in seeing us as soon as we entered the hospital.  She demanded that we start our day with doing her rounds before any other clinic work.   She enjoyed a number of different activities:  sitting on the printer in the doctor’s office, lying in her oversize brown bed, having her eyes cleaned every morning, walking around and exploring the various corners of the hospital and watching the various activities involving other patients.  Her favourite activity, however, was lying on someone’s lap and having them brush her coat.  Her tail would fly up with every stroke of the brush.  Despite her condition, she had a zest for life and an exploring spirit that we all adored.

Farewell my sweet Cara.  You will be greatly missed.