Keeping Your Furry Friend Fit: Pet Exercise Tips for Health and Safety

pet exerciseFrom the tallest of breeds to the smallest of pocket pets, exercise is important for the health of all pets. Although our canine friends may always be up for a walk and kitties usually go crazy over catnip, it’s easy to get stuck in a rut – meaning it can also be easy to forget about or even neglect our pet’s exercise needs.

Summertime also adds a few challenges when it comes to pet exercise, and warm weather safety is a must when the days are hot and humid. To help keep your pet active, the team at Summeridge has a few suggestions.


Cutting the Fat: The Danger of Obesity in Pets

Begging for the Holiday FeastA 2015 Pet Obesity Prevention survey found that 53.8% of dogs and 58.2% of cats in North American households are overweight or obese. While there are certain medical factors that can contribute to obesity in pets, the extra weight is generally the result of too much food and too little exercise.

Overweight pets are at risk for many of the same health problems as overweight humans, including cancer, diabetes, arthritis, kidney disease, and high blood pressure. These risks make it vitally important for pet owners to understand how to prevent obesity and better manage weight in pets.
