Separation Anxiety in Pets: Battling the Back-to-School Blues

Separation anxiety in pets can intensity when kids go back to schoolWith the start of a new school year less than a month away, kids and parents are already beginning back-to-school preparations. Shopping for clothes, gathering supplies, and arranging schedules and carpools are all a part of life in late August/early September. However, all this running around may leave Fido or Fluffy feeling a bit confused.

Separation anxiety in pets is common once the kids go back to school. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways you can help ease the transition for your furry family member.

Spotting Separation Anxiety in Pets

Dogs are pack animals by nature, and whether they live with humans or other dogs, the sudden absence of a familiar face can lead to fear, worry, and stress. The following symptoms can be a clue that separation anxiety is rearing its ugly head: Continue…