sick catCats work in mysterious ways. Is your kitty hiding in the back of the closet because he doesn’t like your house guests (primarily their Yorkie), or because he has some multi-syllabic monstrosity of a health concern?  Without seeing more than just the tip of his tail flipping to and fro, it can be hard to tell.

As a general rule, if you can’t coax your cat out of hiding for two days, even with yummy treats or his favorite toys, and there are no new pets, visiting children, or other major household disruptions, you may have a sick cat hiding behind those winter coats.

To get a better idea of your cat’s condition, check the following list for potential trouble spots:

  • Problems Eating or Drinking
    • Trouble chewing or swallowing
    • Frequent vomiting over the course of 48 hours, or blood in the vomit
    • Sudden or unexplained weight gain or loss
    • Changes in appetite or thirst that last more than 24 hours
    • Really bad breath
    • Bleeding or puffy gums
    • Drooling
  • Nose and Throat Issues
    • Sneezing or coughing
    • Runny nose or other nasal discharge
    • Change or increase in voice, vocalizations, or breathing sounds
  • Elimination Drama
    • Persistent or bloddy diarrhea or constipation
    • Missing or avoiding the litter box
    • Straining or crying when defecating or urinating
    • Blood in feces or urine
    • Worms or rice-like things in feces
  • Bad Hair Days (or Weeks)
    • Unusual hair loss or patchy fur
    • Dry skin and/or dandruff
    • Skin tags or other growths
    • Lumps or bumps under the skin
    • Excessive scratching or licking
    • Matted or dull fur
    • Sores that won’t heal
  • Gooey Eyes or Ears
    • Brown and/or stinky ears
    • Loss of vision or hearing
    • Frequent head-shaking or rubbing or pawing at ears or eyes
    • Yellow or other discharge from eyes or ears
  • Gait or Movement Problems
    • Limping or lameness
    • Loses balance or falls
    • Losing balance or falling down
    • Stiff or lurching walk
    • Doesn’t want to jump
  • Behavioral Changes
    • Lethargic, limp or disoriented
    • Hides more than usual or won’t come out
    • Won’t look at you or just doesn’t respond normally
    • Sleeps more or less than normal
    • Seizures
  • More Signs of a Sick Cat

    In case of poisoning, car accident, bleeding, bizarre behavior, loss of consciousness, or other obvious emergency – call us and come in immediately.

    Less urgently, there are hundreds of additional signs of serious diseases in felines but we can’t list them all here. These are just general guidelines to help determine if you have a sick cat or possibly just a disgruntled one. Even if you do notice any of the above symptoms, it doesn’t necessarily mean anything is seriously wrong.

    We Are Your Cat’s Second-best Friends

    You are your cat’s best friend of course, but consider our team to be your own best friend when it comes to maintaining your cat’s health. As part of regular wellness exams our team will check all major body systems and vaccinate your furry friend against many deadly feline diseases, such as:

        • Rabies
        • Feline parvovirus
        • Feline herpes virus
        • Feline immunodeficiency virus (mostly for outdoor cats)
        • Feline leukemia (mostly for outdoor cats)

    If your cat has never received the recommended vaccinations, or it has been awhile since he or she received a booster, call for an appointment. There is almost nothing more important to your pet’s longevity and general health.

    And if your furry friend has been exhibiting any of the above symptoms for more than a day or two, and you think there might be a sick cat back there amongst the winter boots, bring him or her in as quickly as possible.